Automatic magazin width adjustment Asys Automatisierungssysteme

Automatic magazin width adjustment (Bild: Asys Automatisierungssysteme)

Magazine loader system AMS 03 Speed Asys Automatisierungssysteme

Magazine loader system AMS 03 Speed Asys Automatisierungssysteme

This not only eliminates manual preparatory work for a change of setup. If a transport robot is used to change the magazine automatically, the loader system also substantially reduces the number of empty magazines to be provided. Each magazine location is fitted with an adjusting motor. When the operator or an autonomous transport robot places a magazine on the table, the motor engages automatically with the threaded spindle of the mobile cheek on the magazine. The cheek is then referenced by contactless sensors. As the final step, the system sets the exact position for the format width. In this process, the magazine is not subjected to mechanical load or wear, and the system guarantees accuracy at all times.

Productronica 2017: hall A3, booth 277


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ASYS Automatisierungssysteme GmbH

Benzstraße 10
89160 Dornstadt