Single wave solution Dwell Flex 4.0 (Bild: ITW EAE)
To control dwell-time in the wave, the wave contact length can be adjusted on-the-fly as variable board types are run through the wave. This ensures solder contact time is optimized for a high-mix of board types without changing conveyor speeds. Dwell time is a critical calculation determined by the complexity of the PCB. The challenge is to allow adequate dwell time of the PCB in the wave to promote topside hole fill without introducing copper dissolution. Dwell Flex 4.0 provides a single wave solution that includes both the turbulent and laminar dynamics of the wave within one continuous solder wave and incorporates a recipe controlled, adjustable-exit curved-plate that allows the contact length of the wave to be precisely adjusted and controlled based on the complexity of the PCB. The single wave solution improves the nozzle efficiency, promotes better topside hole fill and the reduction of flux degradation in the soldering process.
Productronica 2019: Halle A4, Stand 554