This process handles products of any length, targeting next-generation products with assemblies of up to 3 m or more. Even reel-to-reel applications are supported. Typical applications are 5G antennas, autonomous driving or Industry 4.0, but also LED technology, lighting equipment, large display boards or screens. The assembly travels through the system without interruptions on an automatic conveyor system. The processing stations, such as the micro drop jet fluxer or the electromagnetic soldering unit, are installed on an axis system. While the assembly keeps moving continuously, the axis systems with the stations travel along and work on the solder joints selectively during the pass. The preheat area is equipped with pulsar heaters with high energy density that are activated individually and thus transfer thermal energy to the solder areas on the assembly, similar to running lights. The software automatically coordinates and optimizes the assembly transport and the positioning of the process stations. There are no wait times at all because the products do not need to stop in order to be processed.
Productronica 2019: Halle A4, Stand 578