Based on the pick by light instruction to the operator, the product offers a double operator guidance by illumination of each connector housing chamber and/or parallel visualization on a screen. An electronic bracelet, worn by the operator, allows the 100% identification of each touched single wire and the localization of the used chamber of the connector housing. Core benefits of this technology are time savings in production plus reduction of handling and process cost by 100% error avoidance. These advantages result by using the technology at the position of the production process, where in standard processes the error occurs. Moreover, the effort on the final test is reduced and rework becomes obsolete. Especially the problem of unseated terminals will be solved. In case of a detected assembly error, the correction can be done on demand at the assembly station and scrap parts are reduced to a minimum. Operator guidance and operational control happen at the same time.
Productronica 2019: Halle A5, Stand 211