Christian Mohrdieck about fuel cells for Automotive: “Small series production within reach”.

Christian Mohrdieck about fuel cells for Automotive: “Small series production within reach”. (Bild: Matthias Baumgartner)

Cellcentric, jointly launched by Daimler Truck and Volvo, is developing the hydrogen fuel cell drive system for heavy-duty trucks to production maturity. Mohrdieck, who serves as chief commercial officer (CCO) for cellcentric, reiterated the well-known advantages of fuel cell propulsion over battery power: the former is lighter, offers a longer range, and can be refueled faster than an equally powerful battery vehicle. After more than 30 years of development, this technology is about to enter small-scale production, Mohrdieck explained. He said there have been no technical problems when driving around the world with a small fleet of hydrogen cars. However, he said, it has become clear that an appropriate hydrogen refueling infrastructure is “essential”.

Save the date: 28th Automobil-Elektronik Kongress

On June 18 - 19, 2024 the International Automobil-Elektronik Kongress in Ludwigsburg will take place for the 28th time. For many years, this networking conference has already been the meeting place for the top decision makers in the electrical/electronics sector; now it additionally brings together the automotive executives and the relevant high-level managers of the tech industry in order to jointly enable the holistic customer experience which is needed for the vehicles of the future. Despite this heavily increasing internationalisation, the Automobil-Elektronik Kongress is still characterized by the attendees to be a kind of “automotive family reunion”.

Secure your Conference Ticket(s) for the 28th Automobil-Elektronik Kongress (AEK) in 2024! Remember that the event has always been sold out for many years. Also, follow AEK's LinkedIn and check out #AEK_live.

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In practical terms, the somewhat unusual efficiency curve of such a drive is significant. In contrast to a diesel engine, the fuel cell exhibits its maximum efficiency in partial load operation. Since road vehicles are usually operated in this range of the characteristic curve, this represents an advantage, Mohrdieck explained. A disadvantage, however, is standstill, where the fuel cell can degrade. It is now necessary to investigate different driving situations in order to mitigate this effect.

In terms of design, cellcentric is pursuing an integrated approach in the construction of its fuel cell drive - stack, DC/DC converter and control unit with software are housed in a single system. The drive, which has already been tested in everyday operation, has an output of 150 kW and is designed for a service life of 25,000 operating hours. Two such units will be installed as “twins” in the vehicles.

Prof. Christian Mohrdieck: Adequate hydrogen refueling infrastructure is of “essential” importance.
Prof. Christian Mohrdieck: Adequate hydrogen refueling infrastructure is of “essential” importance. (Bild: Matthias Baumgartner)

The development has been completed, and now the company is planning first small-scale production and next full-scale production. For this purpose, cellcentric plans to build its own factory in Weilheim near Munich/Germany.

So what kind of vehicle is this drive suitable for? Mohrdieck made it clear which parameters determine the economic efficiency of the fuel cell: The more intensively a vehicle is used and the heavier it is, the higher the probability that hydrogen propulsion will be profitable for a vehicle.

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